Coca-Cola Stock Prediction


Coca-Cola is the biggest non-alcoholic drink company in the world and one of the most well-known brands around the world.

The company has licences for more than 500 brands of non-alcoholic drinks and is present in more than 200 countries. Coca-Cola is one of the stocks and products that Warren Buffett likes the most.

In the past, the Oracle of Omaha has said a lot about the company. He said that he wants to keep the position he has built up over the past 30 years forever. Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) owns nearly 400 million Coca-Cola shares that are worth about $24 billion.

The company is Berkshire’s fifth biggest investment and makes up about 7% of its portfolio. It’s not a big surprise that Coca-Cola is so important to one of the best investors of our time. The fundamentals of the stock have been strong for decades, and it looks like it will do well in the long term as well.

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Since the 1920s, the Coca-Cola company has paid a dividend to investors every three months, which is now 2.93%. Since 1963, the payout has gone up every year.

Their dividend policy has made the company the “dividend king,” which is a very high honour. This is a title given to companies that have raised their dividends for at least 50 years.

The company also has a great profit margin of more than 23%, which has helped it weather the storm of inflation and grow while other businesses have shrunk. In fact, KO’s sales have gone up by almost 12% in the past year.

KO is currently trading at 26 multiples, which is a fair price and in line with the industry as a whole, but it is not a discount.

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