Hillebrand Stock Prediction


Hillebrand Inc. is a business in Batesville, Indiana, that works in many different fields. It has three parts: Molding Technology Solutions, Advanced Process Solutions, and Batesville.

Batesville is the part of the company that makes burial caskets and other funeral products like cremation caskets and urns. Hillebrand has chosen the software company Ivalua to help it improve its supply chain system.

Ivalua will take on the job of centralising its contract information and communication with its suppliers in order to improve its procurement process. Over the past year, HI has been traded steadily, and prices reached their highest point in November.

As of January, the price of the stock is about $45 per share. With a market capitalization of $3.14 billion, the company expects to make $3.1 billion in sales in 2023, which is a 5.5% increase from the previous year.

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HI also has a 14-year streak of dividend growth, with an annual payout of $0.88 and a dividend yield of 1.56%.

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