Park Lawn Corporation Stock Price Prediction


Park Lawn Corporation was started in 1892, and it sells and provides services for funerals in the U.S. and Canada.

The company is based in Toronto, and among other things, it offers cemeteries, urns, caskets, and cremation services. It is a big business with 138 funeral homes, 135 cemeteries, and two crematoriums.

Based on some factors, the company thinks that by 2026, it will have made twice as much money as it did in 2021. We think that the ageing of the North American population will have something to do with this.

But what should really drive this growth are acquisitions, and Park Lawn has many things it can buy. Holders should also pay close attention to share issuance, since Park Lawn could issue more shares to raise money.

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Share prices usually go down during this process, which gives investors a great chance to buy into the company. PPRWF also gives investors dividends, which are paid out at a rate of $0.35 per year and have a yield of 1.74 percent.

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